Updated WOA Adopt-a Family Details!

Join WOA members in adopting a needy family this Holiday Season through Adopt-a-Family
Adopt-a-Family provides families in-need with a Holiday they cannot afford for themselves. Low-income families are matched with generous donors who “adopt” families by promising to purchase items off their adopted families' wish list. Gifts range from clothes, hygiene products, appliances, linens, gift cards and more.
WOA has adopted several families and you can adopt individual family members or provide a grocery gift card for a Holiday meal. To adopt follow the steps below.
Sign-up by November 1st. Deliver Gifts by November 15th.
Steps to Sign- up and donate an item(s) for a family
Open this link and select a family member/item you commit to donate: WOA Adopt-a-Family
Shop for your family member (requested items generally $20-$25)
Wrap up individual gifts or gift cards and clearly label each gift with the Family # and name of recipient. (For example: Latrice - TYM-7)
Holiday Meal $25 Safeway Gift cards do not need to be wrapped, they’ll be included in a holiday card to the family.
Deliver your wrapped & labeled gift by Friday, November 8th.
To schedule a gift drop-off time, contact Toni Evans (te73611) by Email/Q or call 925-549-9873.
6. Sign-up and track your volunteer hours at: https://att.yourcause.com/#/newvolunteer/event/732198
Please Note: if you have already signed up for Adopt-a-Family with your Mentoring Circle, you do not need to sign up via Sign-Up Genius.
Please join us this year in making countless Holiday memories! Thank you!
Questions? Contact: Kathleen Draper (kd2421)
WOA Bay Area 2019
Adopt-a-Family this Holiday Season!
Individual Sign-up Deadline – Friday, November 8, 2019
Join WOA members in adopting a needy family
this Holiday Season through Adopt-a-Family
Adopt-a-Family provides families in-need with a Holiday they cannot afford for themselves. Low-income families are matched with generous donors who “adopt” families by promising to purchase items off their adopted families' wish list. Gifts range from clothes, hygiene products, appliances, linens, gift cards and more.
We are working together with our local community in support of over 300 inner city families from local non-profit organizations, ranging in size of 3-12 members. All in all, that’s about 1,200 people to adopt.
Sign-up by October 21
Deliver Gifts by November 8th
How do I get involved?
If you, your family or workgroup would like to adopt an entire family, email Kathleen Draper at
kd2421@att.com ASAP. WOA mentoring circles do not need to sign-up again.
Mentoring Circle & Other Family Adoptions
Tag each gift securely with the name of family member.
Secure box with strapping tape.
Clearly mark each box in 2 locations with the numbers shown on the upper right-hand
corner of the Adopt-a-Family gift list. (i.e. HH-20, WI-2, etc.)
Individual Adoptions
Wrap up individual gifts or gift cards and clearly label each with the Family# and name of recipient.
(For example: Latrice -TYM-7)
Holiday Meal $25 Safeway Gift Cards
Do not need to be wrapped, they’ll be included in a holiday card to the family
Sign-up and track your volunteer hours at:
To Donate Cash thru PayPal go to:
Thank you for making countless Holiday memories!
Questions - Contact:
Kathleen Draper (kd2421) 925-823-5490