Bay Area March for Babies - April 21, 2018
The March of Dimes Bay Area March for Babies is Saturday, April 21th. Sign up for Team AT&T at:
Day of Event Experience:
The fun happens at the Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton
Check-in opens 8:00 am: prize and tee shirt pickup
DJ warm up and activities for kids
Team photos at and mingling the AT&T booth, hosted by WOA Bay Area
9:00 - 11:00 a.m. walk through easy, flat terrain
Preterm birth is the #1 cause of infant death in the US and a major cause of childhood disability. The March of Dimes continues to fund important research and education with the goal to decrease the rate of preterm birth in the US to 8.1% by 2020 and to 5.5% by 2030. This will mean 1.3 million fewer preemies, a $70 billion cost savings, and the US will move from among the worst of high resource countries to one of the best in full-term birth rates.
Register here: http://www.marchforbabies.org/team/ATTBayArea, and recruit friends and family to join us.
WOA members also get a WOA Bay Area drawstring backpack!
Proudly organized by WOA Bay Area for ALL AT&T employees, retirees, friends and family. Contact ca8469@att.com or mh2656@att.com for details.