Recycle Cell Phones, Tablets & Accessories
When: Now through May 7th
Do you have a drawer full of unused cell phones, tablets, cords or accessories?
We can recycle them!
Women of AT&T has partnered with e-Cycle™ to get value for all used wireless devices we collect. With every used/unwanted personal cellular device and tablet recycled, WOA will earn funds to put towards our programs.
Cellular devices only – our partner doesn’t take keyboards, cameras, TVs etc.
Drop off locations:
San Ramon 5001 Executive Parkway:
Bins at main entrance, AT&T Main Lobby and West pinch entrance
Toni Evans' desk: 4W400F
San Francisco 430 Bush Street:
Saira Pasha's Desk: 5th floor, Desk #32
Peninsula and Central Valley locations to be announced!
Note the Following:
COUs or AT&T test devices CANNOT BE DONATED! All devices must be individually and personally owned.
ECycle will remove personal data/information from device, but you can do this yourself for added peace of mind.
We must remove security capability (i.e. secure login password etc.) and remove “Find My iPhone” or other "Find" features and apps. Please leave your contact information with iPhones so we can verify.
Volunteers needed to check bins and to help us collect in other offices.
Questions? Please contact Gretchen Staudacher,