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Ready for a Selfie Challenge?
Get your glam on and win!
WOA Bay Area invites all members to turn this quarantine period
from glum to GLAM by joining the fun of this new social media contest!
There will be a challenge every week and one winner will be announced every Friday. The  winner gets a gift card which will be mailed to the recipient's address of choice.
To Qualify:
1. You must have an active Instagram account. 
2. Follow woa_bay_area_chapter (yes, we will check!). 
3. Now, you're ready for the selfie challenge! See what it is below as it changes every week.
Current Challenge:
Post a Selfie  from your home office using the hashtag, #woabayquarantinechallenge

Women of AT&T is organized to connect and inspire members to achieve their personal and professional goals and to effect change in the community


WOA is a registered 501c3 tax exempt organization

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